Nau mai, haere mai ki te Kōtui Ako | Virtual Learning Network Aotearoa
Kia ora koutou katoa, Kia orāna, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Nĭ hăo 你好, Annyoung haseyo 안녕하세요, Namaste, Assalām alaikum, Hola, Bonjour, Hallo!
It’s great to see our students’ learning come to life as it did for Valerie from South Westland Area School. Her artistic talents were recognised in postage stamps that she (and we) received earlier this year. Too good to use, they will be framed for our wall of fame!
We are promoting several learning opportunities this month (suitable for both Primary and Secondary learners):
We have spaces available in our Gifted programmes due to start next term. These are suitable for learners up to Year 10.
Our partnership with the Korean Education Centre enables us to bring you Korean classes at no cost. This is a great opportunity to get involved in online learning at your school AND learn about the popular Korean language and culture.
We have a great NZSL resource in our talented eTeacher Janine. We would like to hear from you about how Janine can work with you across our schools network with NZSL language support and support for learners. Find out more about NZSL opportunities and give us your feedback.
Canadian researcher Dr Michael Barbour begins his study tour in Aotearoa. Michael has a long relationship with educational practitioners and research experience with virtual and distance learning in New Zealand and internationally. Kōtui Ako VLN has operated for nearly 30 years in a policy and resourcing vacuum. Michael’s work will be important to inform the sector and advocate for sustainable support for online learning opportunities.
I was privileged to join Taranaki Kāhui Ako PLD day recently. If you would like us to share the Kōtui Ako VLN kaupapa with your Kāhui Ako, LSC / RTLB, school or principals’ network, please invite us to participate in your upcoming hui.
Finally we share the first notice of our upcoming AGM. We expect all member schools to attend, so please Save the Date!
Its been a busy term in schools as it has for us here too. I know you are all looking forward to a well deserved break over Easter.
Ngā mihinui o te Aranga
Rachel, Amanda and the Kōtui Ako VLN team