Extend your school curriculum and enable your ākonga to build key competencies and connect with others from around Aotearoa. Registrations are open now!
Our tamariki are Engaged, Connected and Purposeful Learners
Connected WhakahonohonoMeet and learn alongside tamariki from around Aotearoa via Zoom each week. Learn as a class, in small groups or individuals. eTeachers share their knowledge and students share learning with school and whānau! |
Purposeful WhakamārohiStudents are supported to develop digital skills and become familiar with a range of tools as they learn interactively on Zoom. Programmes spark passions to take learning further. |
Hikina a tātou ākonga kia haere kōtui tātou ki tua
Walk hand-in-hand with us to uplift our learners and safeguard the future
Did you know that any school, any learner can participate in Kōtui Ako Virtual Learning Network Aotearoa?
By contributing a teacher or resourcing a programme your ākonga can choose from a wide range of learning opportunities shared through our network. We would love you to participate!
Find out more about the programmes we are offering in our 2025 prospectus.
Let us know if you would like to teach one of our programmes and gain school reciprocity. Find out more about the kaupapa of reciprocity here.
Registrations close on 17 February. Semester 1 classes start on the week of 3rd March. Get your interest in early to secure places for your learners.
Register to participate here
(Make sure you read the updated Protocols of Participation and check the cost model) -
Join one of our information sessions to find out more about the Kōtui Ako VLN kaupapa
Visit our website to find out more about how we work.
Contact [email protected] with any queries.
Schools interested in secondary programmes should contact [email protected] for more information.