TDA Summit – Leadership for Networks of Expertise

Our Kōtuitui lead team recently participated in a Network of Expertise hui in Wellington. We had the opportunity to engage with other NEX leaders and participate in leadership PLD.

Kōtuitui is a network of expertise that leverages on our collaborative capacity, to grow teacher leadership and capability, strengthen cross-sector primary/secondary professional networks, and provide facilitation, support and leadership for online teaching and learning.

Networks of Expertise are a Ministry of Education funded PLD initiative that provide support to teachers across a range of subject, interest, and learning areas. This provides us with a really valuable opportunity to not only support teachers in our unique area but to connect and collaborate widely across the sector.

Our recent hui focused on leadership development with a day of workshops with Brendan Spillane. We also worked with NZCER  on evaluation and using data to measure impact, we heard from the representatives from the Ministry of Education regarding changes to the curriculum and networked with other NEX.

Thanks to our colleagues at TDA who hosted this awesome PLD opportunity.