Te Whānau
Our Team
Our Primary and Secondary teams have many years of experience as leaders in online teaching and learning. Their expert knowledge and capabilities support students, teachers, and their schools, to become confident and connected in the online space.
Ngā Tūranga Kura Tuatahi / Primary Leadership
Rachel Whalley
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Rachel has led the development of Kōtui Ako VLN as primary ePrincipal for many years. She is passionate about equity and access to education for all learners and the potential of the internet to connect learners.
“I think technologies can be a great enabler for all students to gain access to learning opportunities. Online learning can break down the walls of the classroom, level the playing field and provide opportunities where previously there were none. This is particularly the case for many of our students in rural or remote areas and students with special needs and interests. I am very excited about the possibilities a connected schools network will bring to our schools abilities to collaborate and provide these opportunities for our students. “
Rachel’s areas of expertise are in blended and online learning, project planning and developing online learning communities. Rachel regularly presents at conferences and writes about online learning. She advocates at a national level for equitable access to online learning opportunities for all learners.
Lucie Lindsay
Deputy ePrincipal
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Lucie leads our eteacher community with professional leadership and support for online teaching and learning pedagogies. She is our elearning support lead and works with schools to support our learners to connect and engage in their online classes.
A New Zealand registered, experienced primary teacher, Lucie’s background includes teacher professional learning development on digital and collaborative teaching, and Information Technology roles. She teaches Digital Technologies Extension on computing concepts, coding skills and creating digital solutions. Lucie has a Master of Professional Studies in Education and a PhD in networked learning design.
Jen Hammonds
Curriculum Lead
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Jen has several years teaching as an online-educator for Kōtui Ako VLN and Gifted Online, as well as in the physical classroom. In 2018 she was nominated as a finalist for the MindLab NEXT Award. She completed a Masters in Education with research papers looking into future focused pedagogy and student engagement, and online education as a vehicle for personalising learning for all students, particularly those with exceptional talents. Jen’s passion lies with the authentic integration of digital technology within integrated learning projects.
Jen has developed several of our Primary programmes including Te Reo Tahi and Rua, DigitalTech, Life Skills, Maths Phenomenona, Design and Web Design, Complex Thinking and Mentoring. She was involved in curriculum development in the physical classroom for many years, specifically with gifted and talented, as well writing and developing resources for a Level 1 and 2 NCEA Foundational Skills course for at risk students with a passion for performing arts. Jen has also provided PLD for educators in Taranaki to aide the integration of digital technologies in the classroom.
Tewaiehu Savage
Kaiarahi Mātauranga Māori
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Tīhei mauri ora,Ko te reo kia tika, ko te reo kia rere, ko te reo Māori.
Nau mai, whakatau mai ki te kura tuatahi o VLN. Ko tōku tūranga he kaiako Reo Māori, he Kaiārahi i ngā tikanga Reo Māori o te kura hoki.
Kua tohungia e au ki ngā tohu e rua. Tuatahi, he Tohu Paetahi mo Te Reo Māori me ngā tikanga Maori hoki.
Tuarua, he Pōkairua Paetahi mō te whakaako i te taumata Kohungahunga.I tēnei wā kua tīmatangia e au i taku Tohu Paerua hei Kaiārahi Matauranga.
“Mā te rongo, ka mōhio,
Mā te mōhio, ka mārama,
Mā te mārama, ka mātau,
Mā te mātau, ka ora.”
Mā te whakataukī o runga e tutuki ai ngā mahi kei mua i a tātou.
Greetings to you all. Let my language be true, let it be heard far and wide and let it be Māori.
I have joined the Kōtui Ako VLN leadership team as a Kaiarahi/Kaiako Reo Māori to work with the growing number of kura and Kaiako needing support for te reo Māori me ōna tikanga and support for ākonga who are accessing our online reo Māori programmes.
I am a registered teacher, with a background in ECE. I have a Bachelor in Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori, Graduate Diploma in Teaching, and I am working towards a Masters of Educational leadership. I am experienced in supporting Kaiako with tikanga Māori and te reo Māori.
“Through listening comes awareness,
Through awareness comes understanding,
Through understanding comes knowledge,
Through knowledge comes life and well-being.”
The proverb above will guide and support the foundations for learning here at Kōtui Ako VLN.
Helen Goldsworthy
Executive Administration
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Helen has varied experience in the education, not for profit and corporate sectors. With a background in marketing, accounts and assistance roles Helen’s skills assist the Kōtui Ako VLN team to achieve their goals. Her enthusiasm for the job makes her a positive member of our team.
Ngā Tūranga Kura Tuarua / Secondary Leadership
Amanda King
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Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Toka Toka te maunga e rū nei taku ngākau
Ko Wairoa te awa e mahea nei aku māharahara
Nō Ruawai ahua
E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe, o Takawira e noho nei au
Ko Amanda King tōku ingoa
I have been an educator for over 30 years, with more than 15 years experience in senior leadership roles within secondary schools. Over the past 6 years, I have been working within the Virtual Learning Network environment and most recently as e-Principal.
It is a privilege to lead Kōtui Ako VLN Secondary and I look forward to enabling a future where the VLN model of online learning is accessible to any student within Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Amanda King
MEdLd, DipTchg
Sue McCarthny
Deputy ePrincipal
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I have been working in the online learning environment for the past 12 years and have seen many changes over that time. I established HarbourNet, an online community of Auckland Secondary Schools, working within the Virtual Learning Network Community. I have worked in a leadership role with the Online Learning Community and subsequently Kōtui Ako Secondary. I am currently delivering Education for Sustainability L2 and L3, and have also taught Tourism and Geography online over the years. I love working with our dedicated teaching colleagues from around the motu, as they all share the passion to provide opportunities for our students and to provide programmes of learning relevant to this learning environment. On a personal level, family, friends and sport are my passions.